Wild Miles Legs 21-30 Photos

Text soon to follow.

Emerging for his early morning run of Leg 25 (Radio Towers), Lee literally sticks his head out the window to survey the view

Krystyna getting water and encouragement from Devlin, Michael and Arnold

Krystyna arriving at the end of her run, Leg 26

Micahel gets a good view from the side-of-the-road terrain

Stephen eats up Leg 27

Andrea watches as Chuck runs Leg 28

The competition along the Wild Miles route

Team Thrown Together planning their "mooning" strategy of other teams' pace vans

Chuck continues on the 10.8-mile route of Leg 28

Michael tries to inspire Chuck by showing him his nipples

Andrea helps out on the long hot run of Leg 28

Chuck chasing other runners up the final stretch of Leg 28

Caleb flags down Chuck and is ready for the hand-off to Leg 29

Stacy, completed with his runs, cheers on his team

Danny, Matt and Devlin keep track of all runners on the route

Arnold answers the call of Nature

Caleb is well into the miles of Leg 29

A view of the race refuse in the pace vans

Team Thrown Together wait at the exchange between Legs 29 and 30

A reminder that the race is still on!

Caleb, along with Devlin, in the final stretch of Leg 29

Steve, runner of Leg 20. is joined by Matt

The team's valued EMT and all-star wrestler, Arnold

Chuck relaxes from Leg 28

Caleb provides encouragement to Steve along the long and final run of Leg 30

Designed by Lee Hoedl, Copyright 2006
hoedl's haven, leehoedl@yahoo.com